Saturday, January 31, 2009

Back to Basics

This blog is not exactly on my usual thought leadership focus but I feel a urge to comment .

I just came back from a 2 part seminar at Guelph University about the business of farming.

Recently we purchased 2 farms in the Niagara Region of Ontario Canada close to the great wine growing area emerging in the region.

Now nothing is more basic than food and its supply to the human condition except maybe air and water. We are new to active farming and looking to build a viable business model through adding agritourism to the basic farm formula.

As Rosalee and I are in our sixties and farming is a young person`s game, we went looking to joint venture with some young farmers who need land to develop their skills.

We have not been so impressed in a long time as we were by the right thinking - hard work focus of this group.

It is time - in this current battered state of the global economies - to go from venerating the Wall Street investment banker and hedge fund smoke and mirror games artists of the recent past to following real builders of value. The financial gamesters built nothing to feed or clothe or house people - the real basics - only played money on money derivative strategies that build nothing of value. This only sucked money out of the system into the pockets of the selfish few.

Let us return to the ``real productivity`` of our forefathers and mothers who grew things and built things.

Let us promote this to our youth - so we can all be proud of being a part of building a solid global economic future .

Let us go back to the basics !

Peace and love,


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Leadership as an Art

As 2008 draws to a close and I reflect on the state of leadership both close to my world and around the world, I am searching out for things that work from thought leaders.

This quote stood out to me as I googled my way around searching for answers to life and business.

"If leadership is an art, then leaders are the artists, organizations are the easel, people are the canvas, ideas are the pigment, values are the frame, and vision is the thing that's hung up at the gallery--the final outcome that's so magical it tempts the audience to forget the messy process by which the result is fashioned, and lures them into a state of awe." ~ Walter Stevenson

Let us all search for the "artists" that are around us and be part of their "vision" as it benefits the world.

Peace and love

Johnny Powers

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time for Quality Leadership

Time for Quality Leadership
A lot is happening in my and others' worlds both socially and economically.
These are strange new times for this generation that has not seen a hard economic dip.
The change in leadership in America has triggered a international spirit of hope. Hope for a change from less war to more peace...more hope for opportunities for all peoples of all race and status.
I was born in Canada, tested as a businessman in USA and internationally.
There are many country brands that need rebuilding through quality leadership and actions.
Americas image has been damaged by the actions of its leaders and Canada is not far behind.
It is time...time for quality leadership...leadership by principled action oriented leaders with less political bias. Governing truly for the best interests of the people.
This is the time for good governance by right thinking leaders both politically and in business.
Our world...our youth...need a world that works.
The time is now for right action.

Til next time

Peace and love,

Johnny Powers

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The First Blog

Well, as they say ... let the games begin.

This feels like me stepping to the ring the first time...a little concern for the unknown...full of ambitions and fancies.

I come from a conservative family and "I am Canadian" which I am told makes us also conservative by culture .That is probably offset by my Irish / Scots background and having based out of America for over 2 decades.

When I was young, as youth is want, I felt I had all the answers. As time has passed, I now have more questions than answers.

That having been said, I do have more opinions.

So at this moment, I feel my blog is about opinions, questions and answers.

Things either work or they do not work, albeit to varying degrees.

One of my wishes for the world that includes a mother, mate, two sons, three grandchildren, business partners and many friends is peace and love.

We appear to be in a world racked by hostility and dysfunction.

From deadly culture clashes to racial disharmony to violence in youth and society, we seem to be distancing from not moving towards peaceful co-existence as citizens of this world.

Where is the civility needed to co-exist ? I feel we must strive to gain a civil and civic level that nurtures a peaceful loving nature for the benefit of all.

Til next time.

Peace and love