Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time for Quality Leadership

Time for Quality Leadership
A lot is happening in my and others' worlds both socially and economically.
These are strange new times for this generation that has not seen a hard economic dip.
The change in leadership in America has triggered a international spirit of hope. Hope for a change from less war to more peace...more hope for opportunities for all peoples of all race and status.
I was born in Canada, tested as a businessman in USA and internationally.
There are many country brands that need rebuilding through quality leadership and actions.
Americas image has been damaged by the actions of its leaders and Canada is not far behind.
It is time...time for quality leadership...leadership by principled action oriented leaders with less political bias. Governing truly for the best interests of the people.
This is the time for good governance by right thinking leaders both politically and in business.
Our world...our youth...need a world that works.
The time is now for right action.

Til next time

Peace and love,

Johnny Powers

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